The Legacy of European Social Psychology

An online compendium of ideas, schools and people in the field of Social Psychology

Testimonial: Carsten de Dreu (2008-2011)

Quoting from his presidential address at the end of his term in 2011:

The EASP is financially healthy, its governance structure up-to-date, we are growing steadily, and our publications are internationally seen as high quality, must-read outlets for social psychological research. Still, there are things to wish for, and emerging developments to keep an eye on.

Specifically, many topics typically seen as social psychological are now being studied (also) in cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, and behavioral economics. This is a welcome development to the extent that social psychological scientists continue to participate and inform their colleagues in adjacent areas about the fifty years of advancements we have made in our understanding of person perception, emotion regulation, prejudice, intergroup bias, social decision making, and so on. Put differently, we need to think carefully about what we have to offer adjacent disciplines, and what our unique contributions are in terms of method and theory. It’ll make us an attractive partner to collaborate with, and provides us with a strong bargaining position within the increasingly competitive arena for research funding.